It’s Time For Children To Approach Maths With Confidence

We will help you unlock your child's potential.

High Quality Lessons

Course Structure
Linked Quiz Questions 
Family Support
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How Does Solved Work?

Watch The Lesson

Watch the recorded lesson in your course page. Learn when you want, how you want.
You can pause, rewind or watch again to learn at your own pace. You can also watch the lessons in any order you would like.

Complete The Quiz
This is where you get your chance to experience success by completing questions linked to the lesson you have just watched. The quiz questions will give you instant feedback to help you correct the mistake and improve.
Get Your Certificate

We value effort over performance. Making mistakes is part of life and actually proven to improve brain performance over time. These certificates reward your children for trying their hardest.

Online Tutoring Done Differently
Face to Face Experience
A Fraction of the Price

What our families say:

My daughter thinks Matt is funny and is really engaging with the content. I have noticed her confidence improve already. She now comes home from school saying she has completed two pages of work when normally she would have worked herself up and given up.
Pleased to say my son has never once complained about joining the Solved sessions, which is a real credit to Matt. As a dyscalculic kid, getting him to engage with maths was always a real struggle, so it's great to see him not resist Solved!
My son said he found Matt really funny and helpful. The energy at the start and throughout gets the kids onboard and we really appreciate the 'It's okay to make mistakes' sentiment.
Loving the lessons. I have my little girl back!
I fully recommend Solved. My son now asks to do MORE maths when before he would avoid it. Quick replies and support on emails too.

Example Full Lessons

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Year 2

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Year 3

3 digit + 3 digit
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Year 4

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Year 5

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Year 6/7

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Year 8/9


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Why choose Solved?


Built on community feedback and proven results in improving confidence and self-belief.


We want families to learn alongside us; the only way to truly create a brighter future for every child.


Solved has been built on years of studying and using research about maths, anxiety and growth mindset.

One Tutor

One specialist tutor delivering the very best live lessons every single week. Full of fun, joy and laughter.
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It is time to bring joy, happiness and confidence back into maths lessons and unlock the very best in your child. It is not intelligence holding them back; it is the lack of inner belief. That changes today. 

Our aim, is to create a one tutor, one community model that will unite to finally eradicate maths anxiety in the UK. Matt, our founder, is a primary maths specialist and is very passionate about tackling this issue due to the problems facing our children today.

Sadly, under confidence is taking hold once again. We will not let it define our children. Together, we will make the difference to finally beat maths anxiety for good. Let’s start the journey today and change many lives forever.

Maths Anxiety Affects a Child's Progress Throughout Their Education

Wani 2020


Mum: Anna 

Matt did an excellent job, not just with the teaching of the theory and understanding of maths but also with making it fun and engaging for my daughter. Also, and most importantly, building her confidence with the subject and her ability to challenge herself.

Mum: Katie

My son has additional needs. Matt has been able to adapt his teaching skills to suit those needs; his enthusiasm and love of maths has given our son huge amounts of self-belief. My son has gone from being years behind to closing the gaps with his peers and doing brilliantly in his SATs!

Mum: Tonya

Matthew is kind, non judgemental, understanding and knowledgeable. He truly goes over and above. He is always so excited and happy to teach our children and fills them with confidence every week. There have been some very big improvements in their abilities as well as their confidence.

Mum: Chloe 

You've shown my three boys that maths can be fun and you've helped them realise that there are easier ways to find solutions that aren't so mind boggling. The boys are both at the expected standard for their year group which is amazing!

Mum: Bernadette

Before, she wasn't really showing an interest, frustrated when she didn't know the answer but then just shrugged it off, but now she really has a thirst for maths and wants to learn more and more every day.

Dad: Jan

You've taken our son from an unconfident, frankly scared maths student, to the top of the class.  He left his SATs exam with a leap in his step and has never looked back.  Thank you.

Everything we do will be centred around our key values:
Wellbeing, Learning, Community and Equality.

We use current research and community interactions to ensure we focus our service on what is needed and wanted by the people we serve. 
We aim to provide a cost effective solution by building a one tutor, one community model aligned on strong moral values. 
We care deeply about providing a service which helps both children and families make a difference for long term, sustainable growth. 
We have listened to many, hear you loud and clear and together we will solve one educational issue at a time. 

Practice Quizzes And Feedback. 

All designed with wellbeing in mind. No timers allowed! This is all about learning improvement, not assessment. Feedback will be provided and children can repeat as many times as they like. 
There will be quizzes for each lesson and also two courses for times tables facts and number fluency. All of these elements combined will ensure your child makes, deep, sustained improvement.
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A World Class Digital Learning Tool That Empowers Primary School Children To Overcome Fear And Anxiety Around Maths With A Confident, Joyful And Positive Mindset


We care about equality and the power of a community. Should you want support or have any questions please ask. You may even have an idea you want to share; we are always here to listen.
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